
Blythswood Boxes

34 boxes were submitted this year along with cash donations totalling £50. The boxes have now been handed over to Blythswood for delivery to Ukraine in time for Christmas.

Coffee Morning at Duror

Monday 29 October

The Kinlochleven Church : Instead of being in a linkage with South Lochaber Church, Kinlochleven entered into Union with South Lochaber Church on Monday 3 June.  Meetings of both Congregations took place after the morning services on Sunday 2nd. June with voting of 97% in favour of the new Union.

A Celebration Service was held on Wednesday 12 June at 7.00 pm in Kinlochleven Church. The Moderator of Highland Presbytery, Rev. Doug McRoberts was the preacher featuring the life of "Silas".

Excellent refreshments service in the church hall after the service.

A good time to catch up with friends over tea.

Cycling in aid of Christian Aid

Bill Strachan and Jon Ure have completed a cycle from Land's End to John O'Groats to raise fund for Christian Aid.

An account of their epic journey with photographs appears on the Christian Aid Cycle page of this web site.

We are delighted to announce that the total collected for Christian Aid is £2,819.10. 

The Duror Church organised a lunch in aid of Christian Aid in the Duror and Kentallen Village Hall on Thursday 16 May. This raised the magnificent total of £713.43. Donation envelopes at Nether Lochaber have added a further £95.00 with a further £10.00 being claimed on Gift Aided donations and Kinlochleven contributed £50.00 bringing the total to £868.43.

Pre-65 Motorcycle Trials in Kinlochleven on Friday 3rd and Saturday 4th May.

6 Tables all set ready for action

And crowds pour in for soup and bacon rolls

Over the two days, the event raised £1,400.

Photographs of many of the team can be seen on the Kinlochleven Page of the Website.

Updating the Nether Lochaber Church Notice Board

The Notice Board is out of date with wrong names and telephone numbers.

Elsi Duncan hard at work updating the Board.

It was easier to work with the Board in the church hall.

Session Clerk, Melville Paton pleased with the result.

Elsi Duncan who kindly helped to re-mount the Board.

The finished product now up to date. Move the rose bush?

Forthcoming Events -

Church Services

Duror and Kentallen Lunch - Held on 2nd. and 4th. Thursdays from October to March.

Guild Meetings - meet on Tuesdays  in Duror  Church Meeting Room at 2.30 pm 

8 October: Talk by Heidi Caldwell on diabetes, and/or other aspects of women's health.

12 November:  Stories and songs, from Major Janet McIntyre of the Salvation Army.

10 December:  Christmas meeting.

14 January:  Talk by Bob Shepton

11 February:   Discussion.  The set topic is "Serving in Faith".

11 March:  to be decided

8 April:  AGM

Guild Meetings are also held in Kinlochleven Church Hall.

Church Bible Studies  meet fortnightly on Fridays in Kinlochleven Church Hall and on Tuesdays South Lochaber Parish at Jeremy's  home.

Duror Coffee Morning takes place on the last Monday morning of each month except December - next one is on Monday 27 January.

Past Events

Burns Supper and Ceilidh run by Duror Church.

On Friday evening 26 January, this very successful event raised £ 815 for church funds.

Coffee Morning in aid of "Water Aid" run by Kinlochleven Church.

On Saturday morning 30 March, this very successful event raised £420.

Past Events - the Disaster Fund in aid of Libya and Morocco

In November 2023, a Disaster Fund box was placed in the services at St. Munda's, Duror and Nether Lochaber and raised the sum of £489.00. 

Bill Strachan collects second hand books which he takes to the Highland Book Shop in Fort William who make a donation for them. Bill reports - "The photos below show the books collected so far being delivered to the book shop. Thanks to church members and to the communities around the loch for their support. I'll let everyone know how much was raised in the near future." This has recently raised £700.

Blythswood Boxes - 34 boxes were collected at the morning service at Nether Lochaber on Sunday 16 November 2024 for despatch to Romania  this year.

On Saturday 7 May 2022, Andrew Baxter on behalf of the local Community Council unveiled a plaque in the old graveyard in North Ballachulish which depicts the Church which was on that site.

Past Events

Nether Lochaber Church Hall

The Church Hall has undergone a major renovation. The old entrance porch was demolished. A ramp suitable for the disabled has been provided to the entrance with a new emergency exit at the back of the building.

The end of the building which housed the kitchen and toilets was demolished and rebuilt to modern standards including a toilet for the disabled. The windows were replaced with double glazed units and insulated lining was inserted on the inside of the exterior walls which has drastically reduced the heating bill.

A view of the well equipped toilet for the disabled.

There are 3 photos showing the finished article and a further 2 photos showing the work in progress.

Martin's Memorial Church in Stornoway

Concerned about the young people in the town, they realised that the young people wouldn't come to Church so the Church went out to meet them. Read the inspiring approach as a download at the foot of this page.

Our renovated Church Hall The new kitchen in action for a Church lunch.

General News

Stamps –  They seem to be so insignificant and yet when they’re all put together, what wonderful outcomes there can be.  Perhaps a lesson for ourselves!  So please don’t throw away your used stamps.  Bring them to church and they will be sent off to the World Mission Stamp Appeal.

They’ve been in use since the 1840’s and nowadays stamps can be used to raise money for good causes.  At the Nether Lochaber Parish Church we collect used stamps to send to the World Mission Stamp Appeal.

In 2015, £3511 was raised to support the work of the Church of Scotland’s HIV programme and the Appeal which started in 2016 is raising money for the Othara Eco-spirituality centre run by our partner, the Church of South India.  At this centre people can learn about climate change and the importance of conserving the earth God has given us.  This year, the Stamp Project will support some of their ecological innovations, including the harvesting and re-use of rain water, the establishment of a biogas plant to power the kitchens and the development of a small dairy and a chicken farm for native breeds.