Thought for this week and Quotes
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Quote from Corrie Ten Boom
‘If you look at the world, you’ll be distressed.
If you look within, you’ll be depressed
But if you look at Christ (look up), you’ll be at rest’
Previous "Thoughts for the week"
Quote from - F.B. Meyer – “No great work in the world was started by committees, but by the consecration,
dedication, devotion and self-sacrifice of single individuals.”
Quote from - David Livingstone – “I am prepared to go anywhere as long as it is forward.”
Previous "Thought for the week"
In the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapter 7, Jesus states – “Do not judge, or you too will be judged.” This refers to the use of harsh criticism. There can be cases where one uses discernment and it is right to question a situation and offer a balanced judgement.
But too often, we hastily judge individuals in a critical way. It has been suggested that prior to making a judgement, one should operate the TKN rule by asking ourselves –
Is it True,
Is it Kind and
Is it Necessary?